
Monday, 29 October 2012

The History of Halloween

Halloween in its origin goes back as far as the 5th Century in Ireland. Some of the customs we know today come from different cultures such as Celtic, Catholic and Roman.

What do you know about...?

- Trick or Treating
- Bobbing for Apples
- Jack O'lantern

Find out more in the following presentation. It is just a series of slides and pictures with music on the background. For those who are keen on history and facts. 

And what about the Real History as told from the point of view of historians and researchers? Here is a video from National Geographic that sums up how this festival has evolved throughout the years.

Create your own GLOSSARY

ember       to carve      veil between life & death    
  Samhain      afterlife      trash

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Halloween is here!

Well, Halloween is here one more year and we are going to celebrate it! 

Let's have a food tasting of the traditional cakes that can be enjoyed on All Hallows' Eve! I'll bring a lovely pumpkin cake with glacing, what would you like to bake? Don't be shy and show us what a great cook you are!

Click here for recipies

We'll talk about the origins of this festival in class, and learn about how it is celebrated around the world. 

We will also sign along this popular 80's song: 


UK Weather Report

Morning everyone! I hope you had a lovely weekend. The weather is turning more autumn-like at last! Days are shorter, it's getting kind of chilly, and it feels like roasting chestnuts while gathered around the fireplace... nice and warm!

This link will take you to an online listening activity to practice the vocabulary learnt about the weather. You can do the multiple choice exercise while listenig.


Wednesday, 24 October 2012

A bit more on "the weather"

Hi everyone!

What's the weather like today? Are you feeling as right as rain or a bit under the weather? Well, here you have a couple of links to find out more about climate.

Do you know the difference between Celsious and Fahrenheit degrees? Well, if you are curious and want to find out more, just click here.

And don't forget to bring the weather forecast for the next few days!!!

Sunday, 21 October 2012

The Weather

Let's talk weather!

Useful words
toddy: alcoholic drink
adage: a wise saying/ proverb
nasty: bad or very unpleasant

Thursday, 11 October 2012

The pronunciation of -ed endings REVISION

This is a video on how to pronounce -ed endings, and how to recognize voiced and unvoiced sounds.
 On this BBC site you can use this chart to check the rule: BBC GRAMMAR CHALLENGE

And HERE, you can check the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet), with a list of paired VOICED and UNVOICED sounds.

TV Anchor responds to an offensive mail

Monday, 1 October 2012


This video is on how children learn languages. You can watch it to answer the questions in the following questionnaire: