
Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Speaking exam - presentation sample

We have these videos by Paul, a friend of Begoña's who lives in Delaware, USA. In Part 1 he tells us about his views on what to look for when considering buying a house in the States. In the second video he provides a comprehensive description of his own house. Perfect to revise your vocabulary and as an example for the speaking exam.

Thanks Begoña & Paul! 

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Last minute listening key

Hi everyone!

Well, I owed you the solutions for the last few listenings I had posted, and here they are (as the saying goes... better late than never):

Track 2:  1D   2A   3G   4H   5B
Track 17: 1B   2D   3H   4F   5C
Track 14: 1G  2C   3H   4D   5F
Track 26: 1E  2H   3C   4D   5A
Track 20: 1D   2C   3B   4F   5H
Track 27: 1A   2C   3C   4B   5C