Steve had a very stressful time trying to get to
his exam on time. When he woke up, he was shocked
to find he had overslept. He had been studying the
night before and had not gone to bed until 3 a.m. He
got up really quickly and went to the bus stop. He
waited for a while, but the bus didn’t come so he got
a taxi. Unfortunately, the traffic was terrible and
they got stuck in a traffic jam. Steve decided to walk
but when he looked for his wallet to pay the driver,
he realised he had left it at home. The taxi driver
was shouting at him, but he got out of the taxi and
ran to the college. When he arrived at the college,
the exam had already started and the other students
were all writing. Steve had only written half a page
when the invigilator told them to stop.
How many different pasts can you find in this short anecdote?
Try and write a similar short anecdote like this that happened to you.