
Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Global Warming 101


How much have temperatures risen in the last century? Who is to blame according to scientists?

Can you explain in your own words what the green house effect consists of?

Which has been the warmest year recorded so  far? And the second?

What is happening to Arctic sea ice? How much?

How much have scientists predicted temperatures will rise by the end of the century?

What are some of the predictable consequences of global warming?

What are the measures mentioned for consumers?

methane  /ˈmiːθeɪn/
fluctuate  /ˈflʌktjʊeɪt/
ice ages & warmer periods
fossil  fuel /ˈfɒsl/ /fjʊəl/
to release... discharge/ deliver
to trap... catch/ capture
a recent string (series) of warm years
readings taken
severe drought   [sɪ'vɪəʳ] /draʊt/
advocate ['ædvəkɪt]  recommend/ plead for

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